Remote Monitoring
Periodic Remote Monitoring Services - SERVERS
  • Review OS Application log. Document errors and corrective actions.
  • Review OS DNS log. Document errors and corrective actions.
  • Review OS Active Directory log. Document errors and corrective actions.
  • Review OS Security log. Document errors, security breaches, suspicious activity, and corrective actions.
  • Review OS System log. Document errors and corrective actions.
  • Review IIS WWW log(s), FTP log(s), NNTP log(s), SMPT log(s). Document errors, security breaches, suspicious activity, and corrective actions.
  • Hard Disk Cleanup
  • Note hard disk space used/remaining. Document amounts for trend analysis
  • Delete Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, leave History
  • Delete Temporary Files
  • Empty Recycle bin if Hard Drive space needed
  • Review backup logs including specialized items such as open file backup, Netware, Exchange, Domino, SQL, etc. Document errors and corrective actions.
  • Review Windows Update web site for pertinent items and apply updates and/or service packs as required. Document all software installations.
  • Perform diagnostics and/or corrective actions based upon customer requests, complaints, etc. Document all actions taken
  • Review email queues and routing, clear spam mail and/or install filters as necessary. Document actions taken.
  • Review anti-virus software for current program engine and definition files. Review virus detection history. Document finding and/or corrective actions. Review UPS logs. Document battery life, power events, and runtime.
Remote Monitoring Services - Internet Router and Firewall
  • Monitor Web Surfing
  • No Porn Sites
  • No Games or Gambling Sites
  • Monitor amount of SMTP mail traffic; Ex, 300 Mb in a day
  • Check for large files, MP3 music or Photo, Video
  • Network Usage
Remote Monitoring Services - WORKSTATIONS
  • Perform diagnostics and/or corrective actions based upon customer requests, complaints, etc. Document all actions taken.
  • Scan for Spyware and clean if infected
  • Install Antispyware on all systems
  • Uninstall other antispyware of dubious reputation
  • Review anti-virus software for current program engine and definition files. Review virus detection history. Document finding and/or corrective actions.
  • Hard Disk Cleanup
  • Defrag Hard Drives
  • Note hard disk space used/remaining. Document amounts for trend analysis
  • Delete Cookies, Temporary Internet Files, leave History
  • Delete Temporary Files
  • Empty Recycle bin if Hard Drive space needed
  • Review Windows Update web site for pertinent items and apply updates and/or service packs as required. Document all software installations.
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